Life of a convict.

Have you ever been stripped of everything including family and loved ones against your will? Being discarded by society as an undesirable, or completely lost and forgotten about? Well i have. Its not something that i wish on my worst enemies, but its not all hopeless. Its not the end of the road here. You still meet people and make connections even on the inside. Just keep your head held high and most importantly just keep going. Hard times don’t last forever and it will get better. Just dont give up!


5 responses to “Life of a convict.”

  1. Sounds like you’ve had a lot going on, but you’re working to come out on top. Good for you. ๐Ÿ™‚

    Having a positive attitude helps a lot. I, unfortunately, lost mine years ago and I’m a glass half empty girl now.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Trust me the situation I’m in right now is definitely a half empty situation but the positive goals I’ve set for myself for my near future are what’s keeping my spirits high. What’s been getting you down lately? I’ve seen a lot of sad posts lately ๐Ÿ˜”๐Ÿ˜•

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  2. I have up and down moods. Some days are good….others less so. I write what I know. You know what they say…all artists are tortured. You’ll find that a lot of my poetry is on the darker side, as am I, with some humor sprinkled throughout.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. That’s awesome well the poetry part. My moods also bounce around so I can relate to that pretty well. I use to write a lot but have lost inspiration lately. You should check out a book of poems that tupac shakure wrote I think its called the rose that grew from concrete.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Thanks for the recommendation, I’ll check it out.


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